VSL#3®: The advanced probiotic that provides a higher CFU count and diversity of strains than other leading OTC brands to help protect the gastrointestinal tract.

What makes VSL#3® different?
VSL#3® provides more probiotic support than leading over the counter (OTC) brands:
- Different probiotics provide different types, or strains, of “good” bacteria in different amounts compared with VSL#3®. The number of good bacteria is measured in “colony-forming units” (CFU).
- Scientific studies show that a combination of many different types of good bacteria may give you better results.
- VSL#3® contains 8 different strains of good bacteria, while the other leading OTC brands contain only 1 strain.
- Studies also show that probiotics need to remain alive in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract in high enough amounts to have a positive effect.
- VSL#3® is refrigerated to keep the probiotics alive.
- VSL#3® Powders contain up to 900 billion CFU, significantly higher than what is found in the other leading OTC products so more can survive in the GI tract and have a beneficial effect.
- All formulations of VSL#3® are lactose-free
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