Spectrumceuticals® is an Australian company focusing on patented and proprietary ingredients used to formulate our high-potency probiotic, herb, vitamin, and mineral supplements at clinician standards.

Our Story
Spectrumceuticals® ‘the specialist in integrative medicine’ is a privately held company founded in 2012 on Sydney’s Northern Beaches focusing on patented and proprietary ingredients used to formulate our high-potency probiotic, herb, vitamin, and mineral supplements for practitioner dispensing only.
Spectrumceuticals® offers high quality integrative medicines formulated to support individuals with allergies, food intolerances and specific dietary requirements.
We are focused on delivering formulations with minimal inactive ingredients.
At Spectrumceuticals®, we pride ourselves on our ingredient testing protocol, you can feel assured that we test all our ingredients in state-of-the-art laboratories for a broad range of contaminants and allergens.
Our third-party testing analyses newly sourced ingredients to exclude:
- 107 pesticides, fungicides, carbamates and synthetic pyrethroids,
- 11 different heavy metals, and food allergens; peanut, walnut, almond, gluten, and dairy proteins.
Why consider Spectrumceuticals’ probiotics for your patients?
Refrigeration helps maintain the stability of our probiotics to meet label claims and to ensure potency and product quality to the expiration date.
We do not use shelf stable probiotics as we avoid excipients in our formulas. Probiotics are sensitive organisms that require appropriate handling, encapsulation, storage, and transportation to maintain maximum colon forming unit (CFU) activity.
Maintaining a sterile environment during the fermentation process as well as stringent quality controls after each step is essential in ensuring no contamination occurs and that the bacteria remain pure, alive and in their optimal condition
Live bacteria are sensitive to moisture and atmospheric humidity during storage. Stringent control of temperature and humidity during packaging ensures product stability and activity.
Our probiotics require refrigeration to maintain viability over time, however they do not quickly die off at room temperatures. Products may be taken out of the refrigerator for up to a month without a significant loss of viable organisms. To ensure maximum potency please keep refrigerated.
Our probiotics are shipped to customers with cold packs and insulation. Our probiotics retain viability claimed on the label even if the cold packs are thawed and the product no longer feels cold to the touch. To meet our TGA obligations we manufacturer with ‘overage’ (additional colony forming units) to ensure the potency of our products.
Are you a health practitioner who would like to access these products?
If you are a patient and would like to access these products, use our map to find your local Practitioner.