SierraSil® is a unique mineral complex sourced from a pristine deposit located high on the eastern slopes of the US Sierra Mountains. First discovered by a gold prospector over thirty years ago who found something more valuable than gold – the natural gift of health.

SierraSil is a naturally occurring hydrothermal mineral complex formed 8-10 million years ago in the Sierra Mountains. Drawing on a history of medicinal clay extending back to Hippocrates, the ‘Father of Medicine”, we have built a library of research verifying safety and effectiveness. SierraSil is the natural choice for supporting joint health and function.
The late Dr. Hayden Murray, Professor Emeritus, Economic Geology, Clays, and Industrial Minerals, Indiana University, an expert in clay and related mineralogy, described the deposit as an alteration of a volcanic tuffaceous rock as a result of warm acid fluids which came from significant depths to the surface along fractures in the parent tuffaceous rock millions of years ago.
“These hydrothermal fluids have altered the feldspar and zeolite minerals to montmorillonite (an absorbent clay), jarosite (a potassium iron sulphate) and hematite (an iron oxide). In addition to the above minerals, quartz (a pure silicon dioxide) and some partially altered feldspars are present as well.” Dr. Murray, who has studied deposits all over the world, said after conducting an X-Ray diffraction analysis “In my more than 50 years of mineral research, I have never seen a combination of minerals like this before”.
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