This is just 1 of 5 functional tests available!
Choose between our individual Mercury Tri-Test or Blood Metals Panel or select the combined test kit including the Mercury Tri-Test and Blood Metals Panel. The Mercury Tri-Test is the most comprehensive mercury test available. The Blood Metals Panel tests for 16 nutrient and toxic elements. Both tests can be used together for advanced screening.

Complete Nutrient and Toxin Status
Tri-Test for Dual Mercury Analysis – The Mercury Tri-Test is the only clinical test that utilizes blood, hair, and urine to measure excretion abilities and exposure of inorganic and methyl mercury.
Exclusive Dual Mercury Analysis – Unlike common “Challenge Testing”, the Mercury Tri-Test separates methyl mercury (mostly from seafood or amalgam-based mercury) from inorganic mercury (the most toxic form) and measures each directly.
No Need for Challenge Testing – Challenge testing can result in redistribution of metals in the organs. It can also have difficulties identifying long term toxicity and your unique mercury excretion capabilities. Tri-Test provides unprecedented information on exposure sources, body burden and ability to excrete each form of mercury.
Nutrient + Toxic Metals Analysis – The Blood Metals Panel screens for a broad range of elements to show elevated exposure to toxic metals or imbalances of nutrient elements in whole blood.
16 Elements – Nutrient Elements: Calcium, Copper, Lithium, Magnesium, Manganese, Molybdenum, Selenium, Zinc. Potentially Toxic Metals: Antimony, Arsenic, Cadmium, Cobalt, Lead, Mercury, Silver, Strontium.
Clinical Metals Testing
Mercury Tri-Test
The Quicksilver Mercury Tri-Test is the only clinical test that utilizes mercury speciation analysis, a patented advanced technology that separates methyl mercury (MeHg) from inorganic mercury (HgII) and measures each directly. Quicksilver Scientific®’s instruments are sensitive enough to measure ambient mercury levels in the body. This laboratory test provides unprecedented information for healthcare practitioners, allowing them to assess the patient’s exposure sources, body burden and ability to excrete each form of mercury. This detailed information helps build an informed picture and allows the clinician to plan a rational approach to a successful detoxification strategy for the patient.
Blood Metals Panel
Quicksilver Scientific®’s Blood Metals Panel screens for a broad range of potentially toxic and nutrient metals to show elevated exposure to toxic metals or imbalances of nutrient metals in whole blood. Results from this test can be used as a standalone screening, or to enhance information obtained from the Mercury Tri-Test. Because different protocols or support may be indicated to balance the other potentially toxic and nutrient elements in the blood, the most effective detoxification protocol can then be selected.
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